My name is Jessica and I am a first time mum of a beautiful baby girl who is currently 15 weeks old, Harper Ruby.
My daughter and I currently spend our weekends travelling around Queensland/New South Wales watching my Husband race Speedway. Harper is her daddy’s number 1 fan, if I do say so myself.

Harper Ruby
For the first couple of months of my daughters life, I didn’t leave the house unless it was to a family member’s home. Even then I would only leave when absolutely necessary. It is hard being a first time mum as everything around you is new. You have to learn all the different cries that your baby lets out so that you know exactly what they need. For myself, it was hard as my daughter, Harper, was a reflux baby and until I figured this out, there were many sleepless nights and of course tears of frustration as the only thing any mother wants to do is comfort and love their baby when they are in pain.
I heard about Mama Tribe through a friend who is also apart of this group. One day I was scrolling through the Mama Tribe group for my area and I saw that there were meetups where all mums could go and catch up – this could be over coffee or at a park so the little ones could play.
I thought this was a fantastic idea, however, I was never going to go to one.
I kept clicking ‘maybe’ on the are you attending list but I would never show up and knew in my head I was never going to go. A few weeks passed and I had one of the lady’s from the group messaged me saying that if I ever need someone to go with just shout and she would help me not talk myself out of going and that it was definitely worth attending. That week I decided to bite the bullet and go to my first mama tribe meetup.
I sat in the car for a good 20 minutes before I walked in and introduced myself but I am so glad that I bit the bullet and I went in. I have never met so many beautiful souls in my life! Everyone was so friendly and I felt like I had known them all for years. I have never felt so welcomed apart of a group of people before.
I have only been in Mama Tribe for a couple of months and have already made so many new friends. It is so great to know that If you just need someone to talk to that they are there or if you want to get out of the house there is always someone to meet up with. It is so great being apart of a group that is going through the same stuff that you are. Being a first time mum is hard but it’s a lot easier if you have fellow mums to help you along the way. I think now that I have gone to a meet up and have made some new friends, it is also a bonus for our children as they will grow up together.

Jessica and Harper Ruby
The last meetup I went to I had a massive anxiety attack and sat in the car and turned my car on to leave but had a few people come out to my car and tell me it was okay and that they have been through the exact same thing. The point to this story is, if you think you are alone, you are most definitely not and you should not be afraid to speak out. There is probably a great chance that when you open up, other mums are going through or have been through the same thing and can help you through it.
If any of you are reading this that have helped me along the way with my anxiety – I appreciate each and everyone of you and you have all made me feel so welcome and loved. Thankyou <3
I think Mama Tribe is such a fantastic idea for new mums or mums in general to meet other fellow mummas and make new friends. Without being introduced to Mama Tribe, I would have never faced my fears of my anxiety and I never would have made the friends that I have today. I still suffer from anxiety, however knowing that I have such a friendly environment to take myself and my daughter too definitely makes all the difference. I look forward to each and every meet up in hopes to meet new mums and get out and about.
See all you mummas at the next Mama Tribe Meetup!
Jessica x